Genuity | Banner Ad

One of a series of banner ads developed for the launch of Genuity agricultural traits.
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U.S. Army | NASCAR & NHRA car designs

Some car designs I've been working on recently for FY11.

U.S. Army | T-shirt premium

Finally getting to produce the new freebie t-shirt for the Army mobile event site!
Cannot believe the level of detail Picturesque was able to hold. Amazing.

U.S. Army | Medical Corps Convention footprint

In response to the Army's recruitment goal for more medical personnel, we created a precision element that will engage prospects in a meaningful dialogue that gets them to explore the possibility to practice Army medicine. The asset needed to be scalable and customizable for various careers in medicine as well as footprint size.

Full size footprint (10'x30')

Restricted size footprint (10'x10')

The experience consists of 4 major elements.

Multitouch Wall
The core of the experience, the multitouch, multiuser wall allows participants to discover and plot their possible career pathway in the Army, as well as see the advanced medical technology the Army uses all over the globe.

Interactive Globe

By making selections on touchscreens, participants can read about the Army Medical Corps making a difference all over the world, as reported by third party information sources (CNN, Stars & Stripes, etc.)

Lifestyle Kiosk

"Where will I live in the Army?" "Where might I be stationed?" "Are there golf courses on base?"
A large touchscreen kiosk provides answers to the questions about Army lifestyle and benefits that clinicians most commonly ask.

Innovation display
Display for participants to see and touch the innovations and new techniques of the Army Medical Department—highlighted with revolvi
ng content on digital picture frames.

Coke | Kroger Daytona 500 NASCAR in-store program

The single biggest marketing event on Kroger’s calendar is centered around the Daytona 500 race. Not only did sales and display activity exceed both client and retailer goals, Kroger awarded Coca-Cola their "Most Valuable Partner".

WooSop's Taekwondo | Logo

Identify I did for a friend's studio. Modern Taekwondo is a highly competitive, sport-focused martial art, and WooSop's produces some of the best competitors in the U.S. Consequently, the logo needed to feel more akin to Reebok or Adidas than a traditional martial arts school.

Planter’s | World Series of Poker

National point-of-sale shipper for Planter’s Kettle Roasted Peanuts. Promotional prizing was a paid entry for the World Series of Poker Finals in Las Vegas. Fun project. Plus, hand models, who doesn't love hand models?

Rockford College | Undecided Student Direct Mail

Direct mail aimed at potential Rockford College students who indicated “undecided” as their major. Undecided students often feel huge pressure to “decide their fate” and declare a major. To alleviate that anxiety, we presented “Great Questions of the Universe. ‘What’s your major?’ is not one of them.” Inspired by the idea of doodling in the margins of a text book during class, the art for the whole piece was hand drawn and then digitally composited. The final pieces were supposed to be crumpled up in a ball and shipped in cardboard boxes— that is until the anthrax mail scare hit one month later.

OfficeMax | 3M Direct Mail

Direct mail targeting the chief security officer of large companies. 3M’s privacy screen prevents snooping by curious onlookers, keeping company information protected. Kit included a free sample, product information on a CD for interoffice presentations, and a sales representative’s contact information.

OfficeMax | Top Prospect direct mail

Sent to top-level executives of Fortune 100 companies, a refined design sensibility was called for here. Golf premiums included a custom divot repair tool, and a travel case just for scheduling a meeting with a representative.

Local Boy Scouts of America | Letterhead

An unproduced version of letterhead, the client ultimately decided to pursue a more patriotic theme rather than this adventure/outdoors version. I did this quite a while ago, but still really like the feel of it.

Band Poster

A poster I created for a friend's band.